Managing conflict and negotiation


Managing conflict and negotiation - 1st - Excel Books 2008

Conflict is something inevitable. It is an integral part of our lives. Normally we work in groups and while working, we relate with our superiors, peers and juniors. While relating, more often than not, conflicting situations arise which take toll on our precious time and energy. Therefore, understanding and management of conflict become very important. This book deals with different conceptual aspects of conflict and its effective management. The most popular and effective style of resolving conflict is through dialogue, which is popularly known as negotiation. Through negotiation people deal with differences, which they do, consciously or unconsciously, throughout their lives. The part of the book dealing with negotiation, takes care of the details about different aspects of negotiation — strategies, preparations, processes and multicultural and ethical dimensions related to it. The book contains live cases, which will provide useful insight on the theoretical and conceptual aspects to the students. The book will go a long way in meeting with the requirements of the management students by providing consolidated material on the subject. Contents Include: Part I Managing Conflict / Concept and Importance of Conflict / Organization as Network of Relations and Conflicts / Nature of Conflict / Sources of Conflict / Processes and Dynamics of Conflict / Classification of Conflict / Strategy and Management of Conflict / Part II Managing Negotiation / Managing Negotiation / Planning for Negotiation / Strategies and Tactics of Negotiation / Negotiating Processes / The Third Party Intervention – Litigation/Conciliation/Arbitration / Role of Power in Negotiation / Role of Communication / Role of Influencing Style in Negotiation / Cross-cultural Dimension of Negotiation / Glimpses into Some Aspects of International Negotiation / Ethics and Negotiation / Negotiating with Prospective Employer / Some Suggested Practices to be Followed in Negotiation / Part III Relevant Cases / Relevant Cases


Through negotiation people deal with differences,Litigation/Conciliation/Arbitration / Role of Power in Negotiation

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