TY - BOOK AU - Dwivedi, D N AU - D N Dwivedi TI - Macroeconomics SN - 9780070091450 U1 - 339 DWI-M PY - 2010/// CY - New Delhi PB - McGraw Hill N1 - Part 1: Introduction 1. Introduction to Macroeconomics 2. Macroeconomic Issues, Concepts and Model Building 3. The Circular Flow Models of Economy 4. Measurement of National Income Part 2: Product Market Analysis 5. The Classical Theory of Output and Employment 6. Keynesian Theory of Income Determination 7. Income Determination in a Closed Economy Mode 8. Income Determination in Open Economy Model Part 3: Theories of Consumption and Investment 9. Theories of Aggregate Consumption 10. Theory of Investment and Capital Accumulation Part 4: Money Market Analysis 11. Money: Definition, Kinds and Functions 12. The Supply of Money 13. The Classical Theory of Money and Interest 14. The Keynesian Theory of Money and Interest 15. The Post-Keynesian Theories of Demand for money Part 5: Integration of Product And Money Market Equilibrium 16. The Is-Lm Model in Two-Sector Economy 17. The Is-Lm Model with the Government Sector 18. The Is-Lm Model with Foreign Sector 19. Determination Of Output, Prices And Employment 20. Post-Keynesian Macroeconomics Part 6: Economic Growth and Business Cycles 21. Theories of Economic Growth 22. Business Cycle Theories and Global Recession Part 7: Inflation and Unemployment 23. Inflation: Meaning, Measure and Effects 24. Theories of Inflation and Control Measures 25. Inflation and Unemployment Part 8: International Aspects of Macroeconomics 26. International Monetary Aspect: The Foreign Exchange Rate 27. Balance Of Payments: Meaning and Assessment 28. Balance Of Payments: Disequilibrium and Adjustments Part 9: Macroeconomic Policies: Monetary And Fiscal Policies 29. Macroeconomic Policy: Meaning, Objectives and Formulation 30. Monetary Policy 31. Fiscal Policy UR - https://books.google.co.in/books?id=ChuoPjW9NXcC&printsec=frontcover&dq=macroeconomics+by+dwivedi&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi406i62dTkAhWGdXAKHV3PAgUQ6AEILzAB#v=onepage&q=macroeconomics%20by%20dwivedi&f=false ER -