TY - BOOK AU - Cherunilam, Francis TI - International Economics PY - 2008/// CY - New Delhi PB - Mcgraw Hill N1 - PART I: INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS AND THE GLOBAL ECONOMY Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. International Economic Gap and Nieo Chapter 3. Global Trade Chapter 4. Globalization PART 2: BASES OF TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT Chapter 5. Analytical Tools Chapter 6. Theories of International Trade Chapter 7. Gains From Trade and Terms of Trade Chapter 8. Economic Growth and Trade PART 3: TRADE POLICIES AND ISSUES Chapter 9. Trade Strategy Chapter 10. Trade Barriers Chapter 11. Cartels, Commodity Agreements and State Trading Chapter 12. Social Issues in International Trade PART 4: ECONOMIC INTEGRATION AND COOPERATION Chapter 13. Economic Integration Chapter 14. South-South Cooperation PART 5: INTERNATIONAL MONETARY ECONOMICS Chapter 15. Balance of Payments Chapter 16. Policies for Internal and External Balance Chapter 17. International Monetary System Chapter 18. Foreign Exchange Chapter 19. International Liquidity and Reserves Chapter 20. International Banking and Eurocurrency Market PART 6: INTERNATIONAL FACTOR MOVEMENT Chapter 21. International Capital Flows Chapter 22. Multinational Corporations Chapter 23. Transfer of Technology Chapter 24. Official Development Assistance Chapter 25. International Debt Chapter 26. International Migration PART 7: INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ORGANISATIONS Chapter 27. IMF and Development Organisations Chapter28. World Trade Organisation PART 8: TRADE POLICY AND PERFORMANCE OF INDIA Chapter29. Trade Regulation and Promotion Chapter30. Trade and BOP of India UR - https://books.google.co.in/books?id=2wLKEL-Q88MC&printsec=frontcover&dq=international+economics+by+cherunilam&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiXsJSI78XlAhVgnY8KHbkpDdUQ6AEIKDAA#v=onepage&q=international%20economics%20by%20cherunilam&f=false ER -