TY - BOOK AU - Nelson, Bell TI - Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigations SN - 9788131519462 U1 - 363.25968 NEL-G PY - 2010/// CY - Delhi PB - Cenage Learning KW - Other social problems & services N1 - 1: Computer Forensics and Investigation Processes. 2: Understanding Computing Investigations. 3: The Investigator's Office and Laboratory. 4: Data Acquisitions. 5: Processing Crime and Incident Scenes. 6: Working with Windows and DOS Systems. 7: Current Computer Forensics Tools. 8: Macintosh and Linux Boot Processes and File Systems. 9: Computer Forensics Analysis. 10: Recovering Graphics Files. 11: Virtual Machines, Network Forensics, and Live Acquisitions. 12: E-mail Investigations. 13: Cell Phone and Mobile Device Forensics. 14: Report Writing for High-Tech Investigations. 15: Expert Testimony in High-Tech Investigations. 16: Ethics and High-Tech Investigations. Appendix A: Certification and Testing Processes for Computer Forensics. Appendix B: ComputerForensics References. Appendix C: Computer Forensics Lab Configuration. Appendix D: DOS-Based Computer Forensics Tools UR - https://books.google.co.in/books?id=PSMFAAAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=guide+to+computer+forensics+and+investigations+by+nelson&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwio_fP3uKXnAhWEA3IKHcaQA-YQ6AEIMzAB#v=onepage&q=guide%20to%20computer%20forensics%20and%20investigations%20by%20nelson&f=false ER -