TY - BOOK AU - Zienkiewicz, O C TI - The Finite Element Method : Its Basis & Fundamentals SN - 9789351071587 U1 - 620.00151825 ZIE-F PY - 2015/// CY - New Delhi PB - Elsevier KW - Problems in Linear Elasticity and Fields, Field Problems : A Multidimensional Finite Element Methods N1 - 1. The Standard Discrete System and Origins of the Finite Element methods 2. Problems in Linear Elasticity and Fields 3. Weak Forms and Finite Element Approximation : 1-D Problems 4. Variational Forms and Finite Element Approximation : 1-D problems 5. Field Problems : A Multidimensional Finite Element Methods 6. Shape Functions, Derivatives and Integration 7. Elasticity : Two and Three Dimensional Finite Elements 8. The Patch Test Reduced Integration and Nonconforming Elements 9. Mixed Formulation and Constraints : Complete Field Methods 10. Incompressible problems, Mixed methods, and other Procedures of Solution 11. Multidomain Mixed Approximations 12. The Time Dimension : Semi Discretization of Field and Dynamic Problems 13. Plate Bending Approximation : Thin and Thick Plates 14. Shells as a Special cases of three Dimensional Analysis 15. Errors Recovery Processes and Error Estimates 16. Adaptive Finite Element Refinement 17. Automatic Mesh Generation 18. Computer Procedures for Finite Element Analysis UR - https://books.google.co.in/books?id=7UL5Ls9hOF8C&printsec=frontcover&dq=The+Finite+Element+Method+:+Its+Basis+%26+Fundamentals&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwinxajNq_TnAhWQzDgGHRsuBL0Q6AEINTAB#v=onepage&q=The%20Finite%20Element%20Method%20%3A%20Its%20Basis%20%26%20Fundamentals&f=false ER -