TY - BOOK AU - Basagni, Stefano TI - Mobile AD HOC Networking : Cutting edge Directions SN - 9788126557219 PY - 2013/// CY - New Delhi PB - Wiley India N1 - Part I General Issues 1 Multihop Ad Hoc Networking: The Evolutionary Path 1.1 Introduction 1.2 MANET Research: Major Achievements and Lessons Learned 1.3 Multihop Ad Hoc Networks: From Theory to Reality 1.4 Summary and Conclusions 2 Enabling Technologies and Standards for Mobile Multihop Wireless Networking 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Broadband Wireless Access Technologies 2.3 Wireless Local Area Networks Technologies 2.4 Personal Area Networks Technologies 2.5 Mobility Support in Heterogeneous Scenarios 2.6 Conclusions 3 Application Scenarios 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Military Applications 3.3 Network Connectivity 3.4 Wireless Sensor Networks 3.5 Search and Rescue 3.6 Vehicular Networks 3.7 Personal Content Dissemination 3.8 Conclusions 4 Security in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Wireless Sensor Networks 4.3 Unattended WSN 4.4 Wireless Mesh Networks 4.5 Delay-Tolerant Networks 4.6 Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) 4.7 Conclusions and Open Research Issues 5 Architectural Solutions for End-User Mobility 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Mesh Networks 5.3 Wireless Sensor Networks 5.4 Conclusion 6 Experimental Work Versus Simulation in the Study of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Overview of Mobile Ad Hoc Network Simulation Tools and Experimental Platforms 6.3 Gap Between Simulations and Experiments: Issues and Factors 6.4 Good Simulations: Validation, Verification and Calibration 6.5 Simulators and Testbeds: Future Prospects 6.6 Conclusion Part II Mesh Networking 7 Resource Optimization in Multi radio Multichannel Wireless Mesh Networks 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Network and Interference Models 7.3 Maximum Link Activation Under the SINR Model 7.4 Optimal Link Scheduling 7.5 Joint Routing and Scheduling 7.6 Dealing with Channel Assignment and Directional Antennas 7.7 Cooperative Networking 7.8 Concluding Remarks and Future Issues 8 Quality of Service in Mesh Networks 8.1 Introduction 8.2 QoS Definition 8.3 A Taxonomy of Existing QoS Routing Approaches 8.4 Routing Protocols with Optimization-Based Path Selection 8.5 Routing Metrics for Minimum-Weight Path Selection 8.6 Feedback-Based Path Selection 8.7 Conclusions Part III Opportunistic Networking 9 Applications in Delay-Tolerant and Opportunistic Networks 9.1 Application Scenarios 9.2 Challenges for Applications Over DTN 9.3 Critical Mechanisms for DTN Applications 9.4 DTN Applications (Case Studies) 9.5 Conclusion: Rethinking Applications for DTNs 10 Mobility Models in Opportunistic Networks 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Contact-Based Measurement, Analysis and Modeling 10.3 Trajectory Models 10.4 Implications for Network Protocol Design 10.5 New Paradigm: Delay-Resource Tradeoffs 11 Opportunistic Routing 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Cornerstones of Opportunistic Networks 11.3 Dealing with Uncertainty: Redundancy-Based Routing 11.4 Capitalizing on Structure: Utility-Based Forwarding 11.5 Hybrid Solutions: Combining Redundancy and Utility 11.6 Conclusion 12 Data Dissemination in Opportunistic Networks 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Initial Ideas: PodNet 12.3 Social-Aware Schemes 12.4 Publish/Subscribe Schemes 12.5 Global Optimization 12.6 Infrastructure-Based Approaches 12.7 Approaches Inspired by Unstructured p2p Systems 12.8 Further Readings 13 Task Farming in Crowd Computing 13.1 Introduction 13.2 Ideal Parallelism Model 13.3 Task Farming 13.4 Socially Aware Task Farming 13.5 Related Work 13.6 Conclusions and Future Work Part IV Vanet 14 A Taxonomy of Data Communication Protocols for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Taxonomy of VANET Communication Protocols 14.3 Reliability-Oriented Geocasting Protocols 14.4 Time-Critical Geocasting Protocols 14.5 Small-Scale Routing Protocols 14.6 Large-Scale Routing 14.7 Summary 14.8 Conclusion and Future Work 15 Mobility Models, Topology and Simulations in VANET 15.1 Introduction and Motivation 15.2 Mobility Models 15.3 Mobility Simulators 15.4 Integrated Simulators 15.5 Modeling Vehicular Communications 15.6 Analysis of Connectivity in Highways 15.7 Conclusion and Future Work 16 Experimental Work on VANET 16.1 Introduction 16.2 MIT CarTel 16.3 UMass Diesel Net 16.4 SJTU Shanghai Grid 16.5 NCTU VANET Testbed 16.6 UCLA CVeT 16.7 GM DSRC Fleet 16.8 Fleet Net Project 16.9 Network on Wheels (NOW) Project 16.10 Advanced Safety Vehicles (ASVs) 16.11 Japan Automobile Research Institute (JARI) 17 MAC Protocols for VANET 17.1 Introduction 17.2 MAC Metrics 17.3 IEEE Standards for MAC Protocols for VANETs 17.4 Alternate MAC Protocols for VANET 17.5 Conclusion 18 Cognitive Radio Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks: Design, Implementation and Future Challenges 18.1 Introduction 18.2 Characteristics of Cognitive Radio Vehicular Networks 18.3 Applications of Cognitive Radio Vehicular Networks 18.4 CRV Network Architecture 18.5 Classification and Description of Existing Works on CRV Networks 18.6 Research Issues in CRVs 18.7 Conclusion 19 The Next Paradigm Shift: From Vehicular Networks to Vehicular Clouds 19.1 By Way of Motivation 19.2 The Vehicular Model 19.3 Vehicular Networks 19.4 Cloud Computing 19.5 Vehicular Clouds 19.6 How are Vehicular Clouds Different? 19.7 Feasible Instances of Vehicular Clouds 19.8 More Application Scenarios 19.9 Security and Privacy in Vehicular Clouds 19.10 Key Management 19.11 Research Challenges 19.12 Architectures for Vehicular Clouds 19.13 Resource Aggregation in Vehicular Clouds 19.14 A Simulation Study of VC 19.15 Future Work 19.16 Where to From Here? Part V Sensor Networking 20 Wireless Sensor Networks with Energy Harvesting 20.1 Introduction 20.2 Node Platforms 20.3 Techniques of Energy Harvesting 20.4 Prediction Models 20.5 Protocols for EHWSNs 21 Robot-Assisted Wireless Sensor Networks: Recent Applications and Future Challenges 21.1 Introduction 21.2 Robot-Assisted Sensor Placement 21.3 Robot-Assisted Sensor Relocation 21.4 Robot-Assisted Sensor Maintenance 21.5 Future Challenges 22 Underwater Networks with Limited Mobility: Algorithms, Systems and Experiments 22.1 Introduction 22.2 Related Work 22.3 Decentralized Control Algorithm 22.4 General System Architecture and Design 22.5 Application-Specific Architecture and Design 22.6 Experiments and Results 22.7 Conclusions 23 Advances in Underwater Acoustic Networking 23.1 Introduction 23.2 Communication Architecture 23.3 Basics of Underwater Communications 23.4 Physical Layer 23.5 Medium Access Control Layer 23.6 Network Layer 23.7 Cross-Layer Design 23.8 Experimental Platforms 23.9 UW-Buffalo: An Underwater Acoustic Testbed at the University at Buffalo 23.10 Conclusions UR - https://books.google.co.in/books?id=SEbSRhyyU4QC&printsec=frontcover&dq=mobile+ad+hoc+networking+by+basagni&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwirmo_G3IPgAhVMtI8KHUWJCuoQ6AEILTAB#v=onepage&q=mobile%20ad%20hoc%20networking%20by%20basagni&f=false ER -