TY - BOOK AU - Gary Dessler TI - Human Resource management SN - 9789352862658 U1 - 658.3 DES-H PY - 2000/// CY - New Delhi PB - Prentice Hall N1 - Table of Content "PART ONE INTRODUCTION 1 Introduction to Human Resource Management 2 Employment Law in India and united States 3 Human Resource Management Strategy and Analysis PART TWO RECRUITMENT, PLACEMENT, AND TALENT MANAGEMENT 4 Job Analysis and the Talent Management process 5 personnel planning and Recruiting 6 Employee Testing and Selection 7 Interviewing Candidates PART THREE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT 8 Training and Developing Employees 9 performance Management and Appraisal 10 Managing Employee Retention, Engagement, and Careers PART FOUR COMPENSATION 11 Strategic pay plans 12 Pay for performance and Financial Incentives 13 Benefits and Services PART FIVE ENRICHMENT TOPICS IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 14 Ethics, Employee Relations, and Fair Treatment at work 15 Labor Relations and Collective bargaining 16 Employee Safety and Health 17 Managing global Human Resources 18 Managing Human Resources in Small and Entrepreneurial Firms APPENDICES APPENDIX A COMPREHENSIVE CASES APPENDIX B CASES IN THE INDIAN CONTEXT " Salient Features Trends Shaping HR features in each chapter connect students with emerging technologies, social media sources, and sciences that help HR departments vet and pursue new talent, align company and employee goals, and more. The Strategic Context features are integrated with chapter openers to show how actual HR managers adjusted their actions to achieve company goals, relating new skills and technologies to the real world. Chapters 1 and 3 introduce the concepts and techniques of human resource strategy. The Hotel Paris Case is a continuing case study that appears in each chapter starting with chapter 3. It helps students connect with strategic human resource management by showing how a hotel company's HR director creates policies and procedures that improve employee morale, and therefore its services, to achieve business goals. Chapter 10: Managing Careers and Retention focuses more on career management practices and employee retention techniques than previous editions based on the addition of a new Employee Engagement Guide for Managers feature in most chapters. Examples, legislations, and cases relevant in the Indian context have been added throughout the book; for example, Chapter 2: Employment Laws in India and the US has been updated to include legislations important for Indian readers UR - https://books.google.co.in/books?id=9eVGN-lCtPcC&printsec=frontcover&dq=human+resource+management+by++Gary+Dessler&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiTsaGZ2fDkAhWMvo8KHUuFAzkQ6AEIKDAA#v=onepage&q=human%20resource%20management%20by%20%20Gary%20Dessler&f=false ER -