TY - BOOK AU - Sharma, Suresh K TI - Nursing Research & Statistics SN - 9788131252697 PY - 2014/// CY - New Delhi PB - Elsevier N1 - FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING RESEARCH 1. Foundation of Nursing Research 2. Overview of Research Process 3. Research Problem 4. Hypothesis and Assumption 5. Literature Review 6. Theories, Models, and Frameworks in Nursing Research 7. Research Approaches and Designs 8. Population, Sample, and Sampling 9. Tools and Methods of Data Collection 10. Analysis of Data 11. Communication and Utilization of Research Section II STATISTICS 12. Introduction and Descriptive Statistics 13. Normal Distribution and Measures of Relationship 14. Inferential Statistics 15. Application of Statistics in Health and Uses of Computer in Statistics Appendices Glossary Index View less > UR - https://books.google.co.in/books?id=9RyMBgAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=nursing+research+%26+Statistics+by+suresh+k+sharma&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiV9vu79KbhAhWomOAKHbOCDj8Q6AEIKDAA#v=onepage&q=nursing%20research%20%26%20Statistics%20by%20suresh%20k%20sharma&f=false ER -