TY - BOOK AU - Koontz, Harold TI - Essentials of Management SN - 9781259005121 U1 - 658 KOO-E PY - 2012/// CY - New Delhi PB - Tata Mcgraw Hill N1 - PART 1: The Basis of Global Management Theory and Practice 1. Management: Science, Theory, and Practice 2. Management and Society: The External Environment, Social Responsibility, and Ethics 3. Global, Comparative, and Quality Management PART 2: Planning 4. Essentials of Planning and Managing by Objectives 5. Strategies, Policies, and Planning Premises 6. Decision Making Part Closing: Major Principles or Guides for the Managerial Function of Planning PART 3: Organizing 7. The Nature of Organizing, Entrepreneuring, and Reengineering 8. Organization Structure: Departmentation 9. Line/Staff Authority, Empowerment, and Decentralization 10. Effective Organizing and Organization Culture Part Closing: Major Principles or Guides for the Managerial Function of Organizing PART 4: Staffing 11. Human Resource Management and Selection 12. Performance Appraisal and Career Strategy 13. Managing Change through Manager and Organization Development Part Closing: Major Principles or Guides for the Managerial Function of Staffing PART 5: Leading 14. Human Factors and Motivation 15. Leadership 16. Committees, Teams, and Group Decision Making 17. Communication Part Closing: Major Principles or Guides for the Managerial Function of Leading PART 6: Controlling 18. The System and Process of Controlling 19. Control Techniques and Information Technology 20. Productivity, Operations Management, and Total Quality Management Part Closing: Major Principles or Guides for the Managerial Functions of Controlling UR - https://books.google.co.in/books?id=cs0yoNORt_8C&printsec=frontcover&dq=essential+of+management+by+koontz&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwip-7uPg5TlAhVJKY8KHYEyDe8Q6AEIODAC#v=onepage&q=essential%20of%20management%20by%20koontz&f=false ER -