TY - BOOK AU - Mithani,D.M. AU - D M MITHANI TI - Principles of Economics SN - 9788184882353 U1 - 330 MIT-P PY - 2009/// PB - Himalaya KW - Economics,Cost of Production,Monopoly N1 - Contents : 1. Nature of Economic Analysis 2. Wants and Consumption 3. Consumer`s Behaviour (Marginal Utility Analysis Cardinal Approach) 4. Indifference Curve Analysis 5. Elasticity of Demand 6. Elasticity of Supply 7. Factors of Production 8. Theory of Production 9. Cost of Production 10. Forms of Market 11. Pricing : Perfect Competition 12. Equilibrium of the Firm and Industry 13. Monopoly 14. Monopolistic Competition 15. Theory of Distribution 16. Rent 17. Wages 18. Interest 19. Profit 20. National Income and Inequality 21. Public Finance (Nature, Significance and Principle) 22. Public Revenue 23. Public Expenditure 24. Budgetary Policy and Deficit Financing 25. Economic Systems UR - https://books.google.co.in/books?id=XbjQMgEACAAJ&dq=Principles+of+Economics+mithani&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjUp4al7OblAhWJo48KHVe1AmcQ6AEIKDAA ER -