TY - BOOK AU - Khanka S S TI - Human Resources Management SN - 9788121923002 U1 - 658.3 KHA-H PY - 2009/// CY - New Delhi PB - S CHAND N1 - Section-I: Environment and Strategies: 1. Introduction to Human Resource Management (HRM), 2. Evolution and Development of HRM, 3. Environment of HRM, 4. Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) Section-II: Acquisition: 5. Human Resource Planning (HRP), 6. Job Analysis and Design, 7. Recruitment, 8. Selection, 9. Placement, Induction and Socialization Section-III: Development: 10. Career Planning and Development, 11. Employee Training, 12. Executive Development, 13. Organization Development (OD), 14. Internal Mobility and Separation Section-IV: Maintenance and Retention: 15. Job Evaluation, 16. Wage and Salary Administration, 17. Incentives and Benefits, 18. Motivation: Concepts and Application, 19. Employee Empowerment, 20. Workers' Participation in Management (WPM), 21. Employee Health and Safety, 22. Social Security, 23. Employee Discipline, 24. Employee Grievance, 25. Industrial Relations, 26. Industrial Disputes, 27. Trade Unions, 28. Collective Bargaining, 29. Performance and Potential Appraisal Section-V: Control: 30. Human Resources (HR) Research and Audit, 31. Human Resource Accounting, 32. Human Resource Information System (HRIS) Section-VI: Recent Trends in HRM: 33. International Human Resource Management, 34. Competency-Based Human Resource Management, 35. Work-Life Balance, 36. Human Resource (HR) Scorecard, 37. Managing Generation-Y Employees, 38. Talent Management, 39. Ethics in HRM • Index Book Details Book Details More Books By Author Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility, 1/e Business Ethics and Corporate ... 9789383746125 200.00160.00 20% OFF Order Now Business Ethics and Corporate Governance(Principles and Practice), 1/e Business Ethics and Corporate ... 9788121942867 425.00340.00 20% OFF Order Now UR - https://books.google.co.in/books?id=vEhLAgAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=human+resource+management+by+khanka&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiuqr2zz_DkAhVLqo8KHaWyBgMQ6AEIKDAA#v=onepage&q=human%20resource%20management%20by%20khanka&f=false ER -