Mobile AD HOC Networking : Cutting edge Directions (Record no. 35416)
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000 -LEADER | |
fixed length control field | 07787nam a22001697a 4500 |
control field | OSt |
International Standard Book Number | 9788126557219 |
Personal name | Basagni, Stefano |
245 ## - TITLE STATEMENT | |
Title | Mobile AD HOC Networking : Cutting edge Directions |
Edition statement | 2nd |
Place of publication, distribution, etc | New Delhi |
Name of publisher, distributor, etc | Wiley India |
Date of publication, distribution, etc | 2013 |
Extent | 864p. |
500 ## - GENERAL NOTE | |
General note | Part I General Issues<br/><br/>1 Multihop Ad Hoc Networking: The Evolutionary Path <br/>1.1 Introduction<br/><br/>1.2 MANET Research: Major Achievements and Lessons Learned<br/><br/>1.3 Multihop Ad Hoc Networks: From Theory to Reality<br/><br/>1.4 Summary and Conclusions<br/><br/> <br/><br/>2 Enabling Technologies and Standards for Mobile Multihop Wireless Networking <br/>2.1 Introduction<br/><br/>2.2 Broadband Wireless Access Technologies<br/><br/>2.3 Wireless Local Area Networks Technologies<br/><br/>2.4 Personal Area Networks Technologies<br/><br/>2.5 Mobility Support in Heterogeneous Scenarios<br/><br/>2.6 Conclusions<br/><br/> <br/><br/>3 Application Scenarios<br/>3.1 Introduction<br/><br/>3.2 Military Applications<br/><br/>3.3 Network Connectivity<br/><br/>3.4 Wireless Sensor Networks<br/><br/>3.5 Search and Rescue<br/><br/>3.6 Vehicular Networks<br/><br/>3.7 Personal Content Dissemination<br/><br/>3.8 Conclusions<br/><br/> <br/><br/>4 Security in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks <br/>4.1 Introduction<br/><br/>4.2 Wireless Sensor Networks<br/><br/>4.3 Unattended WSN<br/><br/>4.4 Wireless Mesh Networks<br/><br/>4.5 Delay-Tolerant Networks<br/><br/>4.6 Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs)<br/><br/>4.7 Conclusions and Open Research Issues<br/><br/> <br/><br/>5 Architectural Solutions for End-User Mobility <br/>5.1 Introduction<br/><br/>5.2 Mesh Networks<br/><br/>5.3 Wireless Sensor Networks<br/><br/>5.4 Conclusion<br/><br/> <br/><br/>6 Experimental Work Versus Simulation in the Study of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks <br/>6.1 Introduction<br/><br/>6.2 Overview of Mobile Ad Hoc Network Simulation Tools and Experimental Platforms<br/><br/>6.3 Gap Between Simulations and Experiments: Issues and Factors<br/><br/>6.4 Good Simulations: Validation, Verification and Calibration<br/><br/>6.5 Simulators and Testbeds: Future Prospects<br/><br/>6.6 Conclusion<br/><br/> <br/><br/>Part II Mesh Networking<br/><br/>7 Resource Optimization in Multi radio Multichannel Wireless Mesh Networks <br/>7.1 Introduction<br/><br/>7.2 Network and Interference Models<br/><br/>7.3 Maximum Link Activation Under the SINR Model<br/><br/>7.4 Optimal Link Scheduling<br/><br/>7.5 Joint Routing and Scheduling<br/><br/>7.6 Dealing with Channel Assignment and Directional Antennas<br/><br/>7.7 Cooperative Networking<br/><br/>7.8 Concluding Remarks and Future Issues<br/><br/> <br/><br/>8 Quality of Service in Mesh Networks <br/>8.1 Introduction<br/><br/>8.2 QoS Definition<br/><br/>8.3 A Taxonomy of Existing QoS Routing Approaches<br/><br/>8.4 Routing Protocols with Optimization-Based Path Selection<br/><br/>8.5 Routing Metrics for Minimum-Weight Path Selection<br/><br/>8.6 Feedback-Based Path Selection<br/><br/>8.7 Conclusions<br/><br/> <br/><br/>Part III Opportunistic Networking<br/><br/>9 Applications in Delay-Tolerant and Opportunistic Networks<br/>9.1 Application Scenarios<br/><br/>9.2 Challenges for Applications Over DTN<br/><br/>9.3 Critical Mechanisms for DTN Applications<br/><br/>9.4 DTN Applications (Case Studies)<br/><br/>9.5 Conclusion: Rethinking Applications for DTNs<br/><br/> <br/><br/>10 Mobility Models in Opportunistic Networks<br/>10.1 Introduction<br/><br/>10.2 Contact-Based Measurement, Analysis and Modeling<br/><br/>10.3 Trajectory Models<br/><br/>10.4 Implications for Network Protocol Design<br/><br/>10.5 New Paradigm: Delay-Resource Tradeoffs<br/><br/> <br/><br/>11 Opportunistic Routing<br/>11.1 Introduction<br/><br/>11.2 Cornerstones of Opportunistic Networks<br/><br/>11.3 Dealing with Uncertainty: Redundancy-Based Routing<br/><br/>11.4 Capitalizing on Structure: Utility-Based Forwarding<br/><br/>11.5 Hybrid Solutions: Combining Redundancy and Utility<br/><br/>11.6 Conclusion<br/><br/> <br/><br/>12 Data Dissemination in Opportunistic Networks<br/><br/>12.1 Introduction<br/><br/>12.2 Initial Ideas: PodNet<br/><br/>12.3 Social-Aware Schemes<br/><br/>12.4 Publish/Subscribe Schemes<br/><br/>12.5 Global Optimization<br/><br/>12.6 Infrastructure-Based Approaches<br/><br/>12.7 Approaches Inspired by Unstructured p2p Systems<br/><br/>12.8 Further Readings<br/><br/> <br/><br/>13 Task Farming in Crowd Computing <br/>13.1 Introduction<br/><br/>13.2 Ideal Parallelism Model<br/><br/>13.3 Task Farming<br/><br/>13.4 Socially Aware Task Farming<br/><br/>13.5 Related Work<br/><br/>13.6 Conclusions and Future Work<br/><br/> <br/><br/>Part IV Vanet<br/><br/>14 A Taxonomy of Data Communication Protocols for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks <br/>14.1 Introduction<br/><br/>14.2 Taxonomy of VANET Communication Protocols<br/><br/>14.3 Reliability-Oriented Geocasting Protocols<br/><br/>14.4 Time-Critical Geocasting Protocols<br/><br/>14.5 Small-Scale Routing Protocols<br/><br/>14.6 Large-Scale Routing<br/><br/>14.7 Summary<br/><br/>14.8 Conclusion and Future Work<br/><br/> <br/><br/>15 Mobility Models, Topology and Simulations in VANET <br/>15.1 Introduction and Motivation<br/><br/>15.2 Mobility Models<br/><br/>15.3 Mobility Simulators<br/><br/>15.4 Integrated Simulators<br/><br/>15.5 Modeling Vehicular Communications<br/><br/>15.6 Analysis of Connectivity in Highways<br/><br/>15.7 Conclusion and Future Work<br/><br/> <br/><br/>16 Experimental Work on VANET <br/>16.1 Introduction<br/><br/>16.2 MIT CarTel<br/><br/>16.3 UMass Diesel Net<br/><br/>16.4 SJTU Shanghai Grid<br/><br/>16.5 NCTU VANET Testbed<br/><br/>16.6 UCLA CVeT<br/><br/>16.7 GM DSRC Fleet<br/><br/>16.8 Fleet Net Project<br/><br/>16.9 Network on Wheels (NOW) Project<br/><br/>16.10 Advanced Safety Vehicles (ASVs)<br/><br/>16.11 Japan Automobile Research Institute (JARI)<br/><br/> <br/><br/>17 MAC Protocols for VANET <br/>17.1 Introduction<br/><br/>17.2 MAC Metrics<br/><br/>17.3 IEEE Standards for MAC Protocols for VANETs<br/><br/>17.4 Alternate MAC Protocols for VANET<br/><br/>17.5 Conclusion<br/><br/> <br/><br/>18 Cognitive Radio Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks: Design, Implementation and Future Challenges<br/><br/>18.1 Introduction<br/><br/>18.2 Characteristics of Cognitive Radio Vehicular Networks<br/><br/>18.3 Applications of Cognitive Radio Vehicular Networks<br/><br/>18.4 CRV Network Architecture<br/><br/>18.5 Classification and Description of Existing Works on CRV Networks<br/><br/>18.6 Research Issues in CRVs<br/><br/>18.7 Conclusion<br/><br/> <br/><br/>19 The Next Paradigm Shift: From Vehicular Networks to Vehicular Clouds <br/>19.1 By Way of Motivation<br/><br/>19.2 The Vehicular Model<br/><br/>19.3 Vehicular Networks<br/><br/>19.4 Cloud Computing<br/><br/>19.5 Vehicular Clouds<br/><br/>19.6 How are Vehicular Clouds Different?<br/><br/>19.7 Feasible Instances of Vehicular Clouds<br/><br/>19.8 More Application Scenarios<br/><br/>19.9 Security and Privacy in Vehicular Clouds<br/><br/>19.10 Key Management<br/><br/>19.11 Research Challenges<br/><br/>19.12 Architectures for Vehicular Clouds<br/><br/>19.13 Resource Aggregation in Vehicular Clouds<br/><br/>19.14 A Simulation Study of VC<br/><br/>19.15 Future Work<br/><br/>19.16 Where to From Here?<br/><br/> <br/><br/>Part V Sensor Networking<br/><br/>20 Wireless Sensor Networks with Energy Harvesting<br/><br/>20.1 Introduction<br/><br/>20.2 Node Platforms<br/><br/>20.3 Techniques of Energy Harvesting<br/><br/>20.4 Prediction Models<br/><br/>20.5 Protocols for EHWSNs<br/><br/> <br/><br/>21 Robot-Assisted Wireless Sensor Networks: Recent Applications and Future Challenges <br/>21.1 Introduction<br/><br/>21.2 Robot-Assisted Sensor Placement<br/><br/>21.3 Robot-Assisted Sensor Relocation<br/><br/>21.4 Robot-Assisted Sensor Maintenance<br/><br/>21.5 Future Challenges<br/><br/> <br/><br/>22 Underwater Networks with Limited Mobility: Algorithms, Systems and Experiments <br/>22.1 Introduction<br/><br/>22.2 Related Work<br/><br/>22.3 Decentralized Control Algorithm<br/><br/>22.4 General System Architecture and Design<br/><br/>22.5 Application-Specific Architecture and Design<br/><br/>22.6 Experiments and Results<br/><br/>22.7 Conclusions<br/><br/> <br/><br/>23 Advances in Underwater Acoustic Networking <br/>23.1 Introduction<br/><br/>23.2 Communication Architecture<br/><br/>23.3 Basics of Underwater Communications<br/><br/>23.4 Physical Layer<br/><br/>23.5 Medium Access Control Layer<br/><br/>23.6 Network Layer<br/><br/>23.7 Cross-Layer Design<br/><br/>23.8 Experimental Platforms<br/><br/>23.9 UW-Buffalo: An Underwater Acoustic Testbed at the University at Buffalo<br/><br/>23.10 Conclusions<br/><br/> |
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