Auditory disorders in school children : the law, identification, remediation

Roeser Ross J

Auditory disorders in school children : the law, identification, remediation - 4th - Thieme 2004

ability academic achievement acoustic adults amplification ANSI ASHA assessment associated audi audiologist Audiology audiometers audiometric Auditory Processing Disorders auditory skills battery behavior bilateral binaural chil children with hearing cholesteatoma classroom cochlear implants cognitive communication comprehension conductive hearing loss dB HL deaf or hard deficits devices diagnostic disabilities dren earcanal earmold educational effective environment evaluation FM system frequency function guage hard of hearing hearing aid hearing impairment hearing screening identify immittance individuals infants input intervention listening mainstream measures ment microphone middle ear Musiek needs noise normal hearing otitis media otoscope parents performance placement preschool problems professionals pure tone response S/N ratio scores screening test sensorineural hearing loss signal sound sound-field specific speech perception standard stimuli strategies studies subtests teacher threshold tion tional tive tympanic membrane unilateral hearing loss verbal visual vocabulary words


Medical / Audiology & Speech Pathology

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