Performance Management & Appraisal System
Rao, T V
Performance Management & Appraisal System - New Delhi Response Pub 2004
1. Introduction to Performance Management
2. Planning Performance for Role Clarity Accountability and Effectiveness
3. Increasing Self Awareness and Understanding :Self Appraisal
4. Performance Analysis
5. Improving Quality of Performance Rating
6. performance Review Discussion
7. Using Performance Management System data for HR Decisions and Performance Improvement
8. Performance Management Systems and Appraisal Practices in India : The 1990s Scenario
9. Performance Management Systems and Appraisal Practices in Some Asian Countries
10. making Performance Management Systems And Appraisals Work
658.3125 RAO-P
Performance Management & Appraisal System - New Delhi Response Pub 2004
1. Introduction to Performance Management
2. Planning Performance for Role Clarity Accountability and Effectiveness
3. Increasing Self Awareness and Understanding :Self Appraisal
4. Performance Analysis
5. Improving Quality of Performance Rating
6. performance Review Discussion
7. Using Performance Management System data for HR Decisions and Performance Improvement
8. Performance Management Systems and Appraisal Practices in India : The 1990s Scenario
9. Performance Management Systems and Appraisal Practices in Some Asian Countries
10. making Performance Management Systems And Appraisals Work
658.3125 RAO-P