International Management: Culture, Strategy and Behavior

Richard,Hoddgets M

International Management: Culture, Strategy and Behavior - 6th - TMH 2007

Table of contents PART I : ENVIRONMENTAL FOUNDATION Chapter 1. Globalization and Worldwide Developments Chapter 2. The Political, Legal, and Technological Environment Chapter 3. Ethics and Social Responsibility Brief Integrative Case 1: Colgate?s Distasteful Toothpaste Brief Integrative Case 2: Advertising or Free Speech? The Case of Nike and Human Rights In-Depth Integrative Case 1: Pharmaceutical Companies, Intellectual Property, and the Global AIDS Epidemic PART II : THE ROLE OF CULTURE Chapter 4. The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture Chapter 5. Managing Across Culture Chapter 6. Organizational Culture and Diversity Chapter 7. Cross-Culture Communication and Negotiation Brief Integrative Case 1: Cross Cultural Conflicts in the Corning-Vitro Joint Venture Brief Integrative Case 2: Integrating National and Organizational Cultures: Chemical Bank?s Mergers in Europe In-Depth Integrative Case 1:EuroDisney In-Depth Integrative Case 2:Wal-Mart?s Japan Strategy PART III : INTERNATIONAL STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Chapter 8. Strategy Formulation and Implementation Chapter 9. Entry Strategies and Organizational Structures Chapter 10. Managing Political Risk, Government Relations, and Alliances Chapter 11. Management Decision and Control Brief Integrative Case 1: KNP, N.V Brief Integrative Case 2: Reliance In-Depth Integrative Case 1:The HP-Compaq Merger and its Global Implications In-Depth Integrative Case 2:Can the Budget Air Model Succeed in Asia? The Story of AirAsia PART IV : ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Chapter 12. Motivation Across Cultures Chapter 13. Leadership Across Cultures Chapter 14. Human Resource Selection And Development Across Cultures Chapter 15. Labor Relations and Industrial Democracy Brief Integrative Case 1: The Road to Hell Brief Integrative Case 2: A Copy Shop Goes Global In-Depth Integrative Case 1:Lord John Browne and BP`s Global Shift In-Depth Integrative Case 2:Chiquita?s Global Turnaround Skill-Building and Experiential Exercises Chapter Personal Skill-Building Exercises 1. The Culture Quiz 2. Using Gung Ho to Understand Cultural Differences 3. "When in Bogota." 4. The International Cola Alliances 5. Who to Hire? Chapter In-Class Simulations 1. "Frankenfoods" or Rice Bowl for the World: The U.S.-EU Dispute over Trade in Genetically Modified Organisms" 2. Cross-Cultural Conflicts in the Corning-Vitro Joint Venture References Endnotes Glossary Index



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