Retail Management

Suja Nair

Retail Management - New Delhi Himalaya Pub. 2006

Part-1 Introduction and Role of Research in Retailing
1. Introduction to Retail Management
2. Retail Market Strategy and Consumerism
3. Research for Retailing
Part - 2 Planning and Other Management Functions
4. Planning and Merchandise Management for Retail Outlets
5. Finance and Location Strategies for Retailing
6. Location Selection and Human Resource Management
7. Marketing Management and Related Issues in Retailing
Part-3 Stores Management and Information Technology
8. Store Loyalty Management and Visual Merchandising
9. Retailing and Information Technology (IT) Support Systems
Part-4 Supply Chain, Customer Services and Relationship Management
10. Supply Chain Management
11. Importance of Customer Service and Quality Management
12. Customer Relationship Management
Part-5 Management of Woes, Franchising, Brand and Malls
13. Common Woes in Retailing
14. Franchising, Brand and Mall Management
Part-6 Cases


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