Financial Accounting

Maheshwari S.N

Financial Accounting - New Delhi VIKAS PUB 2007

Section-1: Accounting Principles and Processes: 1. Meaning and Scope of Accounting, 2. Accounting Principles, 3. Basic Accounting Terms, 4. Journalising Transactions, 5. Ledger Posting and Trial Balance, 6. Sub-Division of Journal, 7. Negotiable Instruments, 8. Bank Reconciliation Statement, 9. Matching Concept, 10. Capital and Revenue, 11. Final Accounts, 12. Rectification of Errors, 13. Depreciation, Provisions and Reserves, 14. Accounting Concept of Income, 15. Sectional and Self-Balancing Systems, 16. Accounts of Non-Profit Making Organizations, 17. Single Entry System, 18. Computers and Accounting: An Introduction, 19. Accounting in a Computerized Environment, 20. Accounting and Database System, Section-2: Special Accounting Problems: 1. Consignment Accounts, 2. Joint Venture Accounts, 3. Account Current and Average Due Date, 4. Inventory Valuation, 5. Hire Purchase, Lease and Instalment Purchase Systems, 6. Branch Accounts, 7. Departmental Accounts, 8. Accounting for Price Level Changes, 9. Insurance Claims, 10. Royalty Accounts, Section-3: Partnership Accounts: 1. Fundamentals, 2. Reconstitution of Partnership Firms (Admission), 3. Reconstitution of Partnership Firms-II (Retirement, Death and Amalgamation), 4. Dissolution of Partnership Firms • Appendices: I: Present Value of Rs. 1, II: Periodic Deposit Which Will Amount to Rs. 1, III: Present Value of Rs. 1 Received Annually for N Years, IV: Periodic Payment to Amortize Rs. 1 and Interest



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