Forging identities: Gender, Communities and the State in India
Hasan , Zoya
Forging identities: Gender, Communities and the State in India - 1st - New York Routledge 1994 - XXIV; 264p.
Introduction Reading and Writing about Muslim Women in British India 2. Gender and the Politics of Space: The Movement for Women's Reform 1857–1900 3. Defining Women through Legislation Minority Identity, State Policy and Political Process 4. Identity Politics, Secularism and Women: A South Asian Perspective 5. The Constitution and Muslim Personal Law Between Community and State: The Question of Women's Rights and Personal Laws 6. Education, Money and the Role of Women in Maintaining Minority Identity 7. Preserving Identity: A Case Study of Palitpur Huma Ahmed-Ghosh Communal Property/Sexual Property: On Representations of Muslim Women in a Hindu Nationalist Discourse 8. Muslim Socials and the Female Protagonist: Seeing a Dominant Discourse at Work 9. Urdu, Awadh and the Tawaij: the Islamicate Roots of Hindi Cinema 10. Notes on Contributors
305.420954 FOR-F
Forging identities: Gender, Communities and the State in India - 1st - New York Routledge 1994 - XXIV; 264p.
Introduction Reading and Writing about Muslim Women in British India 2. Gender and the Politics of Space: The Movement for Women's Reform 1857–1900 3. Defining Women through Legislation Minority Identity, State Policy and Political Process 4. Identity Politics, Secularism and Women: A South Asian Perspective 5. The Constitution and Muslim Personal Law Between Community and State: The Question of Women's Rights and Personal Laws 6. Education, Money and the Role of Women in Maintaining Minority Identity 7. Preserving Identity: A Case Study of Palitpur Huma Ahmed-Ghosh Communal Property/Sexual Property: On Representations of Muslim Women in a Hindu Nationalist Discourse 8. Muslim Socials and the Female Protagonist: Seeing a Dominant Discourse at Work 9. Urdu, Awadh and the Tawaij: the Islamicate Roots of Hindi Cinema 10. Notes on Contributors
305.420954 FOR-F