Intermediate Environmental Economics

Kolstad, Charles D

Intermediate Environmental Economics - New Delhi Oxford University Press 2011

PART I. Introduction
Chapter 1. The Environment and Eonomics
Chapter 2. Normative and Positive Economic Analysis
PART II. How Much Environmental Quality?
Chapter 3. Social Choice: How Much Environmental Protection?
Chapter 4. Efficiency and Markets
Chapter 5. Market Failure: Public Goods, Public Bads and Externalities
Chapter 6. Making Decisions about Environmental Programs
Chapter 7. Demand for Environmental Goods
Chapter 8. Hedonic Price Methods
Chapter 9. Household Production
Chapter 10. Constructed Markets
PART III. Regulating Individuals and Firms
Chapter 11. Regulating Pollution
Chapter 12. Prices
Chapter 13. Property rights
Chapter 14. Spatial and Temporal Issues
Chapter 15. Regulating Polluters with Unknown Costs
Chapter 16. Audits, Enforcement and Moral Hazard
Chapter 17. Voluntary Actions and Agreements
PART IV. Advanced Topics
Chapter 18. Risk and Uncertainty
Chapter 19. International and Interregional Competition
Chapter 20. Environment, Growth and Development


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