Industrial Engineering and Management

Shankar, Ravi

Industrial Engineering and Management - 2nd - New Delhi Galgotia Pub. 2017 - 826p.

1. Industrial Engineering
2. Production Systems
3. Productivity
4. Forms of Business Enterprises
5. Forecasting
6. Facility Location
7. Facility Layout
8. Line Balancing
9. Product Design Planning and Development
10. Production Planning and Control
11. Linear Programming
12. Transportation Model
13. Assignment Model
14. Engineering Economics
15. Depreciation
16. Break Even Analysis
17. Replacement and Selection
18.Value Engineering
19. Inventory Control
20. Material Requirement Planning
21. Just in Time in Production System
22. Supply Chain Management
23. Material Handling
24. Enterprise Resource Planning
25. Work Study
26. Work Measurement
27. Job Evaluation and Merit rating
28. Wage Incentive payment Plans
29. Goldratt's Theory of Constraints
30. Entrepreneurship
31. Leadership
32. Total Quality Management and Continuous Improvement
33. Statistical Quality Control
34. Reliability
35. Benchmarking
36. Business Reengineering
37. Principles of Management
38. Organisation
39. Project Management and CPM/PERT
40. Scheduling
41. Waiting Lines : Queuing Models
42. Simulation
43. Industrial Engineering ; Beginning of a New Dawn
44. Human Resource Management and Human Resource Planning
45. Purchasing
46. Lean Manufacturing
47. Group Technology
48. Flexible Manufacturing Systems
49. Industrial Psychology
50. Service Operations and Service Products
51. Ergonomics
52. Marketing Management
53. Six Sigma
54. Agile Manufacturing


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