Psychology for Nurses
Sreevani, R
Psychology for Nurses - New Delhi Jaypee Brother 2009 - 323p.
1. Psychology of Psychology
2. Biological basic of Human Behavior
3. Sensation Perception and Attention
4. Psychology of Learning
5. Memory Remembering and Forgetting
6. Thinking Reasoning and Problem Solving
7. Intelligence Aptitude and Creativity
8. Motivation Frustration and Conflict
Medical / Nursing / General, Medical / Nursing / Psychiatric & Mental Health
610.73 SRE-P
Psychology for Nurses - New Delhi Jaypee Brother 2009 - 323p.
1. Psychology of Psychology
2. Biological basic of Human Behavior
3. Sensation Perception and Attention
4. Psychology of Learning
5. Memory Remembering and Forgetting
6. Thinking Reasoning and Problem Solving
7. Intelligence Aptitude and Creativity
8. Motivation Frustration and Conflict
Medical / Nursing / General, Medical / Nursing / Psychiatric & Mental Health
610.73 SRE-P