Rape of the Lock

Sachdeva, Mansi

Rape of the Lock - New Delhi Anmol Pub. 2009 - 320p.

1. Alexander Pope : Biography
2. Alexander Pope : Major Works
3. Alexander Pope : Timeline
4. Alexander Pope : As an Artist
5. Augustan Literature
6. Neoclassicism : An introduction
7. An Introduction to Eighteenth Century
8. Characters in the Poem
9. The rape of the Poem
10. Analysis of the Poem


1. Alexander Pope : Biography 2. Alexander Pope : Major Works 3. Alexander Pope : Timeline 4. Alexander Pope : As an Artist 5. Augustan Literature 6. Neoclassicism : An introduction 7. An Introduction to Eighteenth Century 8. Characters in the Poem 9. The rape of the Poem 10. Analysis of the Poem

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