Prestressed Concrete : A Fundamental Approach
Nawy, Edward G
Prestressed Concrete : A Fundamental Approach - 3rd - New Jersey Prentice Hall 2000 - 938p.
Table of Contents
1. Basic Concepts
2. Materials and Systems for Prestressing
3. Partial Loss of Prestress
4. Flexural Design of Prestressed Concrete Elements
5. Shear and Torsional Strength Design
6. Indeterminate Prestressed Concrete Structures
7. Camber, Deflection, and Crack Control
8. Prestressed Compression and Tension Members
9. Two-Way Prestressed Concrete Floor Systems
10. Connections for Prestressed Concrete Elements
11. Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Steel Roofs
12. LRFD and Standard AASHTO Design of Concrete Bridges
13. Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures
Appendix A: Unit Conversions, Design Information, Properties of Reinforcement
Appendix B: Selected Typical Standard Precast Double Tees, Inverted Tees, Hollow Core Sections, and AASHTO Bridge Sections
Civil Engineering
620.137 NAW-P
Prestressed Concrete : A Fundamental Approach - 3rd - New Jersey Prentice Hall 2000 - 938p.
Table of Contents
1. Basic Concepts
2. Materials and Systems for Prestressing
3. Partial Loss of Prestress
4. Flexural Design of Prestressed Concrete Elements
5. Shear and Torsional Strength Design
6. Indeterminate Prestressed Concrete Structures
7. Camber, Deflection, and Crack Control
8. Prestressed Compression and Tension Members
9. Two-Way Prestressed Concrete Floor Systems
10. Connections for Prestressed Concrete Elements
11. Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Steel Roofs
12. LRFD and Standard AASHTO Design of Concrete Bridges
13. Seismic Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures
Appendix A: Unit Conversions, Design Information, Properties of Reinforcement
Appendix B: Selected Typical Standard Precast Double Tees, Inverted Tees, Hollow Core Sections, and AASHTO Bridge Sections
Civil Engineering
620.137 NAW-P