New Encyclopedia of Fashion Details

Ireland, Patrick John

New Encyclopedia of Fashion Details - New Delhi OM Books 2008 - 304p.

1. Introduction
2. Figure Drawing
3. History of Costume
4. Belts
5. Bias Cut
7. Collars
8. Cuffs
9. Drapes
10. Drawstrings
11. Embroidery
12. Fastenings
13. Frills
14. Fringing
15. Gathers
16. Hemlines
17. Insertions
18. Jabot
19. Knit
20. Necklines
21. Padding
22. Pleats
23. Pockets
24. Rouleau
25. Seams
26. Shirring
27. Sleeves
28. Smocking
29. Trousers
30. Tucks
31. Vents
32. Waistbands
33. Yokes
34. Zips


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