Parallel Solution of Soil Structure Interaction Problems
Bachcecioglu, Tune
Parallel Solution of Soil Structure Interaction Problems - German LAP Lamber Academic 2011 - 97p.
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. An Extensible Parallel Finite Element Analysis Environment: Panthalassa
4. Parallel Implementation of Linear Dynamic Analysis for Soil Structure Interaction
5. Verification Problems
6. Parallel Tests
7. Summary and Conclusion
Literature Review, Parallel Implementation of Linear Dynamic Analysis for Soil Structure Interaction
624.15136 BAH-P
Parallel Solution of Soil Structure Interaction Problems - German LAP Lamber Academic 2011 - 97p.
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. An Extensible Parallel Finite Element Analysis Environment: Panthalassa
4. Parallel Implementation of Linear Dynamic Analysis for Soil Structure Interaction
5. Verification Problems
6. Parallel Tests
7. Summary and Conclusion
Literature Review, Parallel Implementation of Linear Dynamic Analysis for Soil Structure Interaction
624.15136 BAH-P