Limit State Design of Steel Structures As Per IS: 800/2007

Kanthimathinathan, S

Limit State Design of Steel Structures As Per IS: 800/2007 - New Delhi I K International pub. 2015 - 430p.

1. List of symbols
2. Introduction
3. Design of tension members
4. Design of compression members
5. Design of flexural members
6. Column bases
7. Welded structural connections
8. Bolted joint structural connections
9. Wind load calculation [As per IS 875-Part-3]
10. Design of roof trusses
11. Calculation of earthquake load on structures [As per Is:1893-Part-1]
12. Design basis for analysis and design of boiler supporting steel structure
13. Codes and templates.


Design of tension members, Bolted joint structural connections

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