Text Book of Advanced Pharmaceutical Analysis

Garikapati, Devalar Rao

Text Book of Advanced Pharmaceutical Analysis - Delhi Birla Pub. 2013 - 1003p.

1. Introduction
2. Napthaquinone-4 Sulphonate Sodium
3. Bathophenanthroline
4. Handling and Storage of reference Standards
5.3-Methyl-2-Benzothiazolionone Hydrazone Hydrochloride (MBTH)
6. High performance Liquid Chromatography and Role in Pharmaceutical Analysis
7. High Performance thin Layer Chromatography
8. polarimetry
9. metol
10. P-Dimethylamino Benzaldehyde (PDAB) and P-Dimethylamino Cinnamaldehyde (PDAC)
11. X-Ray Diffraction
12. Dyes
13. Ultra Pressure Liquid Chromatography
14. Nuclear magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy
15. non-indicator methods for the Location of END point in Titrimetry


Napthaquinone-4 Sulphonate Sodium, Nuclear magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy

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