Pharmaceutical Engineering

Kumar, Ashok C K

Pharmaceutical Engineering - 2nd - Delhi Birla Pub. 2011 - 439p.

1. Introduction
2. Stoichiometry
3. Heat Transfer
4. Mass transfer
5. Material Handling System and Transportation
6. Fluid Flow
7. Size Reduction
8. Size Separation
9. Hydraulic Separation
10. Centrifugation
11. Dehumidification and Humidity Control
12. Refrigeration
13. Filtration
14. Extraction
15. Evaporation
16. Distillation
17. Drying
18. Crystallization
19. Mixing Solids and Liquids
20. Coating
21. Sterilization
22. Fermentors and Reactors
23. Boilers and Accessories
24. materials of Plant Construction
25. Corrosion
26. Dosage from Filling
27. Containers Closures Packaging
28. Plant location and Layout
29. Hazards-Safety Accident record pollution Control
30. Automated Process Systems
31. Laboratory Instructions


. Heat Transfer , Distillation Plant location and Layout

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