Textbook of Hospital Pharmacy

Sampath, K

Textbook of Hospital Pharmacy - 2nd - Delhi Birla Pub. 2018 - 215p.

1. Hospitals in India
2. hospital Structure
3. Hospital Pharmacy
4. Drug Distribution in Hospital
5. Hospital Formulary
6. Drug Manufacturing in Hospital
7. Hospital Retail Drugs Store
8. central Sterile Services
9. Clinical and Pathological Testing
10. Pharmacy Therapeutic Committee
11. Drug Information centre
12. Adverse Drug Reaction
13. Safe Use of Drugs
14. Storage of Pharmaceuticals
15. medicinal Gases
16. Counterfeit Drugs
17. Safety in Hospitals
18. Fire Fighting
19. Budget of Hospitals
20. Purchase and Inventory Control
21. Pharmacists and Computers
22. Hospital Pharmacists of Future
23. Rural Community Pharmacy
24. First Aid
25. Home Medication Service and review
26. Compounding in Community Pharmacy
27. Drug Drug Interactions


Drug Manufacturing in Hospital, Hospital Formulary, Hospital Structure

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