Health Education & Community Pharmacy
Siddiqui, Anees Ahmad
Health Education & Community Pharmacy - 5th - Delhi Birla Pub. 2018 - 200p.
1. An Introduction to Health Education
2. Concept of Health and Disease
3. Environmental and Health
4. Nutrition and Health
5. Demography and Family Planning
6. First Aid Treatment
7. Fundamental Principles of Microbiology
8. Communicable Diseases
9. Non Communicable Diseases
10. Epidemiology
Concept of Health and Disease , Environmental and Health , Epidemiology
610.76151 SID-H
Health Education & Community Pharmacy - 5th - Delhi Birla Pub. 2018 - 200p.
1. An Introduction to Health Education
2. Concept of Health and Disease
3. Environmental and Health
4. Nutrition and Health
5. Demography and Family Planning
6. First Aid Treatment
7. Fundamental Principles of Microbiology
8. Communicable Diseases
9. Non Communicable Diseases
10. Epidemiology
Concept of Health and Disease , Environmental and Health , Epidemiology
610.76151 SID-H