Advanced Strenghth and Applied Stress Analysis

Budynas, Richard G

Advanced Strenghth and Applied Stress Analysis - 2nd - New Delhi Mcgraw Hill 1999 - 935p.

1. Basic Concepts of Force Stress Strain and Displacement
2. Stress and Strain , Transformations, Equilibrium and Compatability
3. A Review of the Fundamental Formulations of Stress Strain and Deflection
4. Concepts from the Theory of Elasticity
5. Topics from Advanced Mechanics of Materials
6. Energy Techniques in Stress Analysis
7. Strength Failure Modes and Design Consideration
8. Experimental Stress Analysis
9. Introduction to the Finite Element Methods
10. Finite Element Modeling Techniques


Basic Concepts of Force Stress Strain and Displacement, Concepts from the Theory of Elasticity

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