International Finance
Avadhani, V A
International Finance - 6th - New Delhi HPH 2006 - 504p.
Part - I : International Financial System
1. Introduction to International Finance
2. International Trade and International Finance
3. The International Monetary System
4. New International Economic Order
5. Globalisation Forces
Part - II : International Trade-Theory and Practices
6. Trade Theory
7. Haberler`s Opportunity Cost Theory
8. Heckscher - Ohlin Theorem
9. Recent Theories of International Trade
10. Gains From Trade
11. Terms of Trade
12. Dynamics of International Trade
13. India`s Foreign Trade
Part - III : Balance of Payment and Restrictive Policies
14. Balance of Payments Theory
15. India`s Balance of Payments
16. Bilateralism In Foreign Trade
17. Commercial Policy and Theory of Tariffs
18. International Trade Organisations
19. Commercial Policy In India
332.042 AVA-I
International Finance - 6th - New Delhi HPH 2006 - 504p.
Part - I : International Financial System
1. Introduction to International Finance
2. International Trade and International Finance
3. The International Monetary System
4. New International Economic Order
5. Globalisation Forces
Part - II : International Trade-Theory and Practices
6. Trade Theory
7. Haberler`s Opportunity Cost Theory
8. Heckscher - Ohlin Theorem
9. Recent Theories of International Trade
10. Gains From Trade
11. Terms of Trade
12. Dynamics of International Trade
13. India`s Foreign Trade
Part - III : Balance of Payment and Restrictive Policies
14. Balance of Payments Theory
15. India`s Balance of Payments
16. Bilateralism In Foreign Trade
17. Commercial Policy and Theory of Tariffs
18. International Trade Organisations
19. Commercial Policy In India
332.042 AVA-I