Introduction to Solid State Theory
Madelung, Otfried
Introduction to Solid State Theory - Berlin Springer 1978 - 488p.
1. Fundamentals
2. The One Electron Approximation
3. Elementary Excitations
4. Electron Phonon Interaction : Transport Phenomena
5. Electron-Electron Interaction by Exchange of Virtual Phonons: Superconductivity
6. Interaction with Photons Optics
7. Phonon Phonon Interaction : Thermal Properties
8. Local Description of Solid State Properties
9. Localized States
10. Disorder
530.41 MAD-I
Introduction to Solid State Theory - Berlin Springer 1978 - 488p.
1. Fundamentals
2. The One Electron Approximation
3. Elementary Excitations
4. Electron Phonon Interaction : Transport Phenomena
5. Electron-Electron Interaction by Exchange of Virtual Phonons: Superconductivity
6. Interaction with Photons Optics
7. Phonon Phonon Interaction : Thermal Properties
8. Local Description of Solid State Properties
9. Localized States
10. Disorder
530.41 MAD-I