Hotel Housekeepin : Operations and Management

Raghubalan, G.

Hotel Housekeepin : Operations and Management - New Delhi Oxford 2009 - 732 p.:

1. The Hotel Industry -An Overview
2. The Housekeeping Department
3. Managing Housekeeping personnel
4. Contracts and Outsourcing
5. Planning Housekeeping Operations
6. Daily Routines and Systems
7. Housekeeping Inventories
8. Composition Care and Cleaning of Different Surface
9. Hotel Guestroom
10. Standard Contents of a Guestroom
11. Cleaning Giestroom
12. Cleaning Public Areas
13. Supervision in Housekeeping
14. Housekeeping Control Desk
15. Budgeting for Housekeeping Expenses
16. Textils
17. Linen and Laundry Operations
18. Uniforms
19. Sewing room
20. Safety and Security
21. Ergonomics in Housekeeping
22. Pest Control and Waste Disposal
23. Internet Environment
24. Interior Designing
25. Interior Decoration
26. Hotel Renovation
27. Flower Arrangment
28. Horticulture
29. Ecotels
30. New Propetry Operations
31. Changing trends in Housekeeping


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