Human Resources Developement Management


Human Resources Developement Management - 3rd - New Delhi S Chand 2009

•Introduction •Human Resource Planning •Job Analysis •Acquisition Of Human Resources •Training And Development •Human Resource Accounting •Human Resource Development •Human Resource Records, Audit And Research •Development Of Human Capacity •Learning Organisation •Human Resource Motivation •Organisation Development And Change •Group Behaviour •Working Life And Its Quality •Communication •Leadership •Workers’ Participation In Management •Promotion, Transfer And Career •Counselling In Human Resource Management •Job Evaluation •Performance Appraisal •Managing Stress & Conflict At Work Place •Industrial Disputes •Time Management •Computer Applications In Hrm •Hrm Scenario In 21St Century •Manpower Statistics In India •Transactional Analysis •Equal Employment Opportunity •Compensation Management •Employees Benefits And Incentives •Employee Welfare And Social Security •Bibliography •Index


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