International Business


International Business - New Delhi PHI 2009

1. Introduction to International Business
2. International Operations Management
3. International Business Environment
4. International Trading Environment
5. GATT/WTO and Global Liberalisation
6. International Monetary System and Foreign Exchange Market
7. International Banking and Eurocurrency Market
8. International Economic Organisations
9. International Investment and Finance
10. Multinational Corporations
11. International Goods, Services and Financial Flows and Balance of Payments
12. Globalisation
13. International Business Intelligence
14. Market Selection
15. Market Entry Strategies
16. Market Coverage Strategies
17. International Product Decisions
18. International Pricing
19. International Distribution
20. International Promotion
21. International Organisation and HRM
22. Some Social Issues in International Business
23. Trade Policy and Regulation in India
24. Export Promotion
25. Trade and BOP of India
26. India in the Global Setting
27. Globalisation of Indian Business
Case Studies
1. South East Asian Economic Crisis
2. The Global Television Receiver Industry
3. The P&G-Godrej Alliance
4. Different for Gamble
5. Ban on Leather Goods from India
6. Human Rights Protection
7. Whose Basmati Is It?
8. Globalisation of Pop Culture
9. Mahindra & Mahindra
10. Casual Wear Inc.
11. Towel Manufacturing Company (TMC)
12. Quality Furniture Ltd.
13. Porcelain Producer Ltd.
14. Decorative Tiles Ltd.
15. Tiles and Ceramics Ltd. (TCL)
16. Garment Export Ltd.
17. Indian Leather Goods Exports
Name Index
Company Index
Subject Index



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